632 results shown for search keyword place
Celebrate the enormous amount of music-making that takes place across Derbyshire by watching this specially commissioned song for Derbyshire.
Find out what you need to do to make an application for a primary school place for your child and what we'll do to reach a decision.
There are some important dates you should remember for making your application for your child's primary, infant or junior school place.
Our privacy notice for the Place department compliments and complaints - how we use and protect your personal information.
Privacy notice for Place department customer services enquiries - how we use and protect your personal information.
Organised club rallies can take place on the events field between June and September. Hard-standing areas or electricity are not available.
Apply for your child's secondary school place. Our parents' guide to secondary education can help you to choose a school and make an application.
Providers must apply for a permit before scaffolds, hoardings, temporary fencing, cherry picker, mobile platform or crane can be placed on the public highway.
The visitor centre is a good place to start your visit. It has a range of facilities on offer to enable you to enjoy your visit to the full.
There are 3 toilet blocks at Elvaston Castle Country Park. Each has disabled access toilets and there is a changing places toilet within the main car park.
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