85 results shown for search keyword admissions
What to do if your child needs to move primary or junior school other than at the normal transfer time. This is called an in-year admission.
The school admissions code requires that each local authority must have a fair access protocol. Our fair access protocols for secondary and primary schools.
You may want to apply for your child to change schools other than when they are due to start secondary education. These are known as in-year admissions.
Parents may seek a place for their child outside their normal age group if.
The year group with which a child is taught has implications for a child's social as well as educational development.
Young people continuing with education after the age of 16 will attend either school sixth forms, colleges of further education or tertiary colleges.
Children will normally go into full time infant education in September in the school year in which they become 5 years old.
Find out what you need to do to make an application for a primary school place for your child and what we'll do to reach a decision.
Early years' provider agreement service specification appendix 3 - funding compliance audits explained.
Ukrainian nationals can apply for a school place for a child as soon as they arrive. Starting school can help children settle in and make friends.
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