1016 results shown for search keywords primary school request for a place
Depositing with Derbyshire Record Office is usually free, but we may occasionally ask for some financial contribution from our depositors.
Overgrown hedges and surface vegetation can cause inconvenience to walkers and therefore we will work with landowners to keep this interference to a minimum.
We're committed to keeping children and adults in Derbyshire safe. Find out how and where to report concerns and where to find advice and support.
Scooter Smart is a project aimed at providing children with the confidence and skills to use a scooter as a mode of travel.
In the UK there are currently over 2 million carers juggling both work and care, that's 1 in 7 employees. It's, therefore, likely you employ unpaid carers.
Industrial and small business units and other properties we currently have available to let in the Erewash area.
Our asset register is a register of structures or features in Derbyshire which are considered by us to have a significant impact on flood risk.
Relationship, health and sex education can help people make informed decisions about family planning and contraception.
Every 10 years the government undertakes a census, which includes information on population, health, ethnicity, and the economic status of residents.
There are many different factors that can affect your health such as housing, financial security, community safety, employment, education and the environment.
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