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You can contact Derbyshire Record Office by email or telephone, or you can write to us using the details provided.
Ways to contact Trading Standards for consumers and businesses.
You can contact us online, by phoning our contact centre, Call Derbyshire, by email, text, minicom, sign language interpreter service or by writing to us.
Relationship, health and sex education can help people make informed decisions about family planning and contraception.
As well as providing care and support directly, we buy services from other providers and have contracting arrangements in place.
Batch cooking doesn't always mean that we have to cook vast quantities of food or always double up on ingredients.
Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your device when you visit a website.
We can supply copies of original documents or publications, subject to copyright restrictions, and send them to you by email, paper or CD.
After leaving full-time education, Corey was looking for help to get on the career ladder. Read his story.
It's important to consider how you can protect yourself and others from COVID-19. View the latest guidance.
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