1017 results shown for search keywords primary school request for a place
Apply for your child's primary, infant or junior school place, or find out where your child has been given a place at infant, primary or junior school.
View the number of application for places, the published admission number and the approximate number of pupils for each primary school in Derbyshire.
There are some important dates you should remember for making your application for your child's primary, infant or junior school place.
We make you one offer only. If you have applied online you can view your application at any time. We will post your offer letter if you have no email address.
For primary and junior transfer applications, we'll maintain waiting lists for oversubscribed Derbyshire schools.
Where to go and who to contact for more information about primary, infant and junior school admissions and early years education.
Items can be requested by visiting any Derbyshire library or by using our catalogue.
The school admissions code requires that each local authority must have a fair access protocol. Our fair access protocols for secondary and primary schools.
Derbyshire primary, infant and junior school admission appeals guidance for parents.
This section provides all the extra information you may need for making an application for a secondary school place.
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