98 results shown for search keyword primary
While we do not have a general scheme of assistance to provide school clothing, clothing grants or other financial help for parents, there is support on offer.
Derbyshire primary, infant and junior school admission appeals guidance for parents.
The school admissions code requires that each local authority must have a fair access protocol. Our fair access protocols for secondary and primary schools.
Your question may already have been answered in our guide so please make sure you read through the information carefully.
For primary school places for children with a statement of special educational needs or an education health and care plan parents should contact us.
The year group with which a child is taught has implications for a child's social as well as educational development.
What to do if your child needs to move primary or junior school other than at the normal transfer time. This is called an in-year admission.
What to do if you change your mind about your primary, infant or junior school application, or if your circumstances have changed.
If your child is due to start primary, infant, junior or secondary education and you live in Derbyshire you should apply to us.
Information about school allocation for admissions into reception classes in infant, primary and junior schools.
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