433 results shown for search keyword school
We want all children and young people in Derbyshire to enjoy reading and using our libraries. We offer a range of activities for all ages.
Derbyshire's greenways network includes traffic-free pathways that are suitable for walking, cycling and horse riding.
Development we carry out, connected to the services we provide, is dealt with under the provisions of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992.
Learn more about free access to a wide variety of databases available through Derbyshire libraries, many of which are accessible from home.
We have a number of plans, policies and procedures to guide the way we work. Here you can find details of the plans and policies we have in place.
How we provide transport for people using our services and wider public transport services need to be cost effective and provided for those most in need.
b_line is our cut-price travel discount and library card for young people aged 11 up to 19 who live in Derbyshire.
We're responsible for the enforcement of parking restrictions in Derbyshire. We manage enforcement in partnership with the district and borough councils.
We maintain records of all council-owned land and property. Contact us to find out if we own a particular piece of land or property.
Information and resources on the Early Help (single assessment) for practitioners working with children, young people and their families or carers.
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