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Schools must follow legal guidance on the cost of school uniforms which includes making sure they're affordable.
We are required to keep up-to-date and available for public inspection a list of streets which are highways maintainable at public expense.
Derbyshire Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) terms of reference and core strategic functions.
Derbyshire is the perfect place to explore for people of all abilities. Access Derbyshire is an initiative aimed at improving countryside access for all people.
b_line is our cut-price travel discount and library card for young people aged 11 up to 19 who live in Derbyshire.
We're committed to attracting social workers to engage with and encourage the participation of adults across Derbyshire.
As part of our budget setting process, each year we review the service pressures identified within each department.
This process applies to governors nominated by the local authority to serve on governing boards constituted under the School Governance Regulations 2012.
Derbyshire is the perfect place to explore on horseback and if you're interested in finding out how to get started we've got plenty of suggestions.
Read our staff testimonials about what it's like to work in highways network planning.
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