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List of streets

We're required under Section 36(6) and (7) Highways Act 1980 to keep up-to-date and available for public inspection a list of streets which are highways maintainable at public expense. Our records are held in a linear format on a map background.

Our prices went up from the 6 April 2024 by 4.6%.

We're the highway authority for county roads in Derbyshire, except Derby City Council, which is a unitary authority.

Motorways and trunk roads within Derbyshire are the maintenance responsibility of National Highways

The legal definition of a highway includes any road or way over which the public has a right of passage. The list of streets therefore includes some public bridleways and public footpaths as well as public carriage roads (including any associated footway or verge).

Certain highways may historically have been publicly maintainable. Others may have become publicly maintainable through legislation or, more recently, through legal agreement following which they become maintainable at public expense by the highway authority or, for motorways and trunk roads, National Highways.


Information displayed on the map is being constantly updated and is correct to the best of our knowledge. It provides confirmation as to whether a particular way is a highway maintainable at public expense but does not constitute proof as to the status of that way. Neither does it give details as to the lateral extent of the highway, for example the width of the particular highway or whether it includes a verge. Lines shown on the map are for indicative purposes only.

Go to the Derbyshire Mapping Portal

We have a dedicated team who are trained to interpret and maintain our highway records on a daily basis. We provide a service to businesses that need highway related information like status of roads, new road schemes, traffic schemes, and highway extents, in connection with the conveyance process.

Your enquiry will need to be accompanied by a location plan and payment which may be made by using our online payments system or by sending a cheque made payable to Derbyshire County Council.

You can make enquiries by email

Or by letter to:

Director of Place
Highways Records and Searches
County Hall

Current fees per property

HMRC officially imposed the standard rate of VAT on all Con 29 Local Authority Search requests, as of 1 January 2017.

All Con29 highway enquiries received on or after 1 January 2017 will be subject to the additional VAT charge, currently 20%.

Highway boundary extent only

The fee is for producing one A4 plan up to 1:2500 scale. Should the search site require more than one A4 plan we will advise you of any additional payment before processing the enquiry and at this stage the enquiry may be cancelled. Once payment has been received, we will not be able to refund any monies paid

Fee: £125.52 including VAT.

Highway boundary extent plus

Highway boundary extent plus any or all of the following:

  • highway status
  • road schemes
  • traffic schemes
  • orders made under the Highways Act 1980
  • public rights of way

The fee is for producing one A4 plan up to 1:2500 or 1:1250 scale. Should the search site require more than one A4 plan we will advise you of any additional payment before processing the enquiry at this stage; the enquiry may be cancelled. Once payment has been received, we will not be able to refund any monies paid.

Fee: £156.90 inc VAT at 20%.

Agreements and bonds

We are now able to supply copies of some agreements and bonds (such as S38 agreements). There's an admin fee of £50 including VAT for this service. Please note, if no agreement is found after investigation then the fee is non-refundable.

Highway searches

See the local land charges contact details to find the correct district or borough council if you wish to submit a full local authority search to include LLC1 (register information), Con29R (standard enquiries), and Con29O (optional enquiries).

The highway authority provides official search responses with a guarantee to the highway parts of the Con29 and Con29O to all of the districts and borough councils and private companies wishing to complete the Con29 and Con29O forms.

The responses provided to local authorities and private companies are as follows together with our fee. We require a location plan for every property.

Prices include VAT currently 20%.

Highway enquiries and fees
Con29 Highway enquiriesSectionFees per property
Q 2.1(a-d) Road adoptions £41.84 for first question plus 60p for each additional question
Q 2.2-2.5 Public Rights of Way £41.84 for first question plus 60p for each additional question
Q 3.2 Land to be required for road works £41.84 for first question plus 60p for each additional question
Q 3.4 (a-f) Nearby road schemes £41.84 for first question plus 60p for each additional question
Q 3.5 (a-b) Nearby railway schemes £41.84 for first question plus 60p for each additional question
Q 3.6 (a-l) Traffic schemes £41.84 for first question plus 60p for each additional question
Q 3.7(e & g) Outstanding notices (highways) £41.84 for first question plus 60p for each additional question
Q 3.12 Compulsory purchase £41.84 for first question plus 60p for each additional question
The Con 29 Required Enquiries and Con29 Optional Enquiries forms are attached to this page. The completed forms may be sent by email or by post to:

Director of Place
Highways Records and Searches
County Hall

You can pay by using our online payments system or by cheque made payable to 'Derbyshire County Council' and send this with your forms.

For further information, please contact a member of the highway records team telephone: 01629 538654.

If you wish to gather the highway information to complete the enquiries yourself please see the information attached to this page.