279 results shown for search keyword business
Privacy policy for Green Entrepreneurs grants. We're committed to protecting your personal data and ensuring it is processed fairly and lawfully.
Article 30 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires us to have a record of data processing in place.
'Walking Together' is a permanent reminder of Markham's strong mining heritage and honours the miners who lost their lives in 3 accidents at the site.
Feedback from customers is a key part of the Trusted Trader scheme. Please spare a few moments to tell us about the Trusted Trader you used.
The first few years of your child's life are vital and the decisions that you make now will have long lasting effects on their health and wellbeing.
We give free and impartial information, advice and guidance about career opportunities, learning and employment.
There is an estimate of more than 8 million dogs in the UK, producing around 1,000 tonnes of excrement per day. (Source: Keep Britain Tidy).
Elected members are elected to represent their community on the council. They are, legally speaking, data controllers in their own right.
We offer mental health training to increase awareness, knowledge and skills across Derbyshire. Find out about the courses on offer.
We may never be able to prevent all flooding in urban areas, but the key to limiting the damage to property in such areas is the preparedness of the individual.
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