Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.
627 results shown for search keyword place
We work with the emergency services, health services and other agencies to make sure we're as ready as we can be in the event of an emergency or major incident.
The Music and Drama Library at Chesterfield Library has a large collection of printed music and plays, which can be borrowed by individuals and organisations.
Passing your unwanted items on is a great way of reducing waste - donate them to charity, give them away, swap or sell them.
Guidance and advice on how to use our social media profiles.
The school journey is a perfect opportunity for children to learn about their local environment and gain independence.
Early years' provider agreement service specification - safeguarding.
Arrangements for the governance of our affairs, effective exercise of our functions and arrangements for the management of risk.
Ever wondered how far you could walk? Ever wondered how to get started? Ever wandered……through our countryside?
If you're organised, like working with people, and are interested in literature and information then a work experience placement in a library may be for you.
If you're interested in working with numbers in a business and financial setting, a work experience placement in our finance division could be ideal for you.
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