1017 results shown for search keywords primary school request for a place
Get inspired with a visit to Buxton Museum and Art Gallery. We offer a range of learning and education opportunities for schools, families and groups.
Privacy notice for the Place department: De-Carbonise grants - how we use and protect your personal information.
The Hub gives local people in South Normanton, Blackwell, Pinxton and the surrounding areas easy access to the services they need – all in one place.
This process applies to governors nominated by the local authority to serve on governing boards constituted under the School Governance Regulations 2012.
This strategy sets out our proposals to increase access to school education for disabled pupils, in the schools for which it is responsible.
Grants are available for Derbyshire communities, schools, parishes and town councils, to plant trees, boost biodiversity and tackle climate change.
We provide concessionary fares schemes for certain residents of Derbyshire. These include older and disabled people, young people and transport to school.
The family help service supports families with children and young people with specific needs in a targeted, helpful way.
Check if your road is on a gritting route, when it was last gritted and if any roads are closed because of snow or ice.
Information for parents, children and young people about the personal information we may hold about you, the reasons why and your rights.
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