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In order to carry out construction work and occupy the highway, temporary traffic signals may be needed to ensure public safety and minimise congestion.
Blue Badges can be applied for on an individual basis or on behalf of an organisation. Find out how to apply for, renew or replace a Blue Badge.
We prefer you to make your application for a primary, infant or junior school place online. Find out about applying online.
We prefer you to make your application for your child's secondary school place online. Find out about applying online.
Information about applying for our job vacancies online including how to register your details, search for a job, set up email alerts, interviews and feedback.
Anyone with a business based in Derbyshire or who does a significant amount of work in the county can apply to be a Trusted Trader.
We are responsible for administering our Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) which involves safeguarding both individual trees, groups of trees and woodlands.
This process applies to governors nominated by the local authority to serve on governing boards constituted under the School Governance Regulations 2012.
Public sector bodies with 250 or more staff have a target set to employ an average of at least 2.3% of their staff as new apprentice starts each year.
The apprenticeships training complaints policy covers all apprentices, employers, service partners and associated staff posts.
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