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If you've been assessed as meeting the eligibility for social care support, a personal budget will be calculated. This amount is to help pay towards your care.
Home care services enable you to remain living in your own home for as long as possible. Find out your options if you want personal care.
It is a statutory requirement that all children in care aged 0 to 18 accessing education provision requires a personal education plan 3 times a year.
Personal flood resilience is the extent to which you can protect yourself from a flood. Please follow our advice when it comes to doing so.
You can apply for compensation if you've had an accident, like tripped, fallen or hit a pothole on a road or pavement, and injured yourself or your property.
We may never be able to prevent all flooding in urban areas, but the key to limiting the damage to property in such areas is the preparedness of the individual.
The person undertaking highways infrastructure safety inspections should be provided with training, regular updates and audited and accredited as competent.
We welcome petitions and recognise that they are one way in which you can let us know your concerns. Create or sign a petition.
We ensure that anyone dispensing or storing petrol does so with a high level of regard for public safety and protection of the environment.
We've developed new audio trails to help you explore our countryside. Download the files and take them with you on your mobile to create your own trail.
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