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We have a wide range of information and statistics about Derbyshire, including the latest Census, population and unemployment data.
Derbyshire is the perfect place to explore for people of all abilities. Access Derbyshire is an initiative aimed at improving countryside access for all people.
Many facilities, activities and events at Shipley Country Park are accessible to all including wheelchair users.
Access to Research is a unique resource providing free access to some of the world's best academic articles and research from your local library.
We have a legal responsibility to make sure the routes we look after can be enjoyed by everyone including walkers, cyclists and horse riders.
The GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 give individuals the right to obtain a copy of their personal information as well as other supplementary information.
Library services for people with a deaf, hearing or visual impairment, learning disabilities, Alzheimer's disease or recovering from strokes or head injuries.
Accessibility is about making our online information available to as many people as possible, whatever their needs.
This strategy sets out our proposals to increase access to school education for disabled pupils, in the schools for which it is responsible.
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