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Accessibility at libraries

Services for people with hearing loss, people with sight loss, people with learning disabilities, people with dementia, and patients recovering from strokes and head injuries.

If you have any questions about accessibility, you can contact the library information service email: or telephone: 01629 533444.

Resources for people with hearing loss:

  • Derbyshire County Council is registered with Typetalk.
  • Derbyshire County Council is registered with SignLive online video interpreters.
  • Materials to support BSL courses.
  • Makaton resources.

Resources for people with sight loss:

  • Text image magnifiers available at Chesterfield and Buxton Libraries.
  • Screen magnification software available on access computers in all libraries.
  • Wide range of books on CD.
  • Large print and giant print books.
  • Access2 Print children's books.
  • eMagazines, eAudio and eBooks - these can be downloaded free from home. The text on eBooks can then be enlarged.
  • Listening groups - these are reader groups aimed at people with sight loss.

You can get free audiobooks by post from the RNIB library.

Resources for people with learning disabilities:

  • Friendly DVDs - covering a wide range of life events and situations.
  • Skills for Life books.
  • Makaton resources.
  • Bag Books - multi-sensory books and storytelling for children and adults with severe or profound and multiple learning disabilities.
  • Books Beyond Words - stories told through pictures covering everyday situations, events or life decisions.

Reminiscence collection

This is a collection of materials including objects, themed reminiscence boxes, books, picture cards, games and puzzles to help share memories and encourage engagement and discussion.

They are suitable for use with older people, people living with dementia or adults and children with disabilities. They can be used with people on a one to one basis in their own home or in group settings.

The collection is stored at Chesterfield Library and items can be requested and sent to your local library for you to collect.

Reminiscence resources

Websites to engage and stimulate memories through reminiscence.

BBC Music Memories - music and radio from different decades to rekindle memories.

British Film Institute - free short documentary films

British Transport Films - classic transport documentary films.

Home for Good - oral histories of local people who lived in social housing in Chesterfield and NE Derbyshire (SoundCloud).

My House of Memories - download app to explore objects from the past and share memories together.

Playlist for Life - music playlists to help people who are living with dementia.

Storybox Project - person centred, creative and imaginative activities to support people with dementia.