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Record office photography licence

You can use your own device to take photographs of material in the collections. You can also download digital images from the computers.

antique camera

You'll need to buy a self-service digital copying agreement form when you visit the office, see our fees and charges.

Documents held which are out of copyright

Where documents are held out of copyright, there are no restrictions on taking photographs for non-commercial research, for private study, or for educational purposes. 'Educational purposes' covers both teaching and preparation for teaching and examination by either tutor or student.

Photographs may be taken with digital cameras, including cameras installed on mobile devices, but hand-held scanners may not be used. All mobile devices should be set to 'silent'. You're asked to avoid making or answering calls whilst in the search room.

Documents held which are in copyright

Although many documents viewed in Derbyshire Record Office can be freely photographed for the purposes of private study, some material is restricted under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act.

Whilst a work is within copyright, you may take photographs, but only for the purposes of private study:

  • not more than 5% of the whole, published work, or one chapter from a published book, whichever is the smaller
  • up to 2 copies of one A4 section of an OS map which is less than 50 years old
  • one article (where the journalist who wrote the article is named), or one page from a newspaper
  • artistic works, including architectural drawings, maps and photographs
  • unpublished manuscripts

You may not make extra copies of material in copyright for other people.

You may not put images of such material in an exhibition, or publish them, either in a book or online.

You may not make copies of material in copyright for any other purpose, including educational purposes, without the permission of the copyright holder or a licence from the appropriate Copyright Licensing Agency.

If you have any specific queries regarding this information, please get in touch or ask us when you next visit.