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Definitions of rights on public rights of way

We're often asked what rights exist on public rights of way. Here is a list of definitions which will help you.

Public footpaths are open to walkers only and are marked with a yellow arrow.

Public bridleways are open to cyclists (cyclists must give way to horse riders), horse riders and walkers, and are marked with a blue arrow.

Byways open to all traffic are open to walkers, cyclists, riders and motor vehicles, and are marked with a red arrow.

Restricted byways are open to walkers, horse riders, cyclists and horse-drawn vehicles only. This is a new category of public right of way introduced by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.

Roads used as public paths (RUPPs) are now referred to as restricted byways.

Concessionary and permissive paths are usually created by agreement with a landowner.

The rights may vary and are usually clearly indicated at the start of the route. There may be conditions attached to the use of these routes, such as they may be closed at certain times of the year.