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Sir William Boyd Dawkins & Dr J W Jackson

A major feature of Buxton Museum and Art Gallery is the Boyd Dawkins Study, a period style study room (circa 1900) housing the library of Sir William Boyd Dawkins and featuring pictures, ornaments, furniture and scientific equipment that once graced his own study.

The room also commemorates Dr J Wilfrid Jackson, and is jointly dedicated to the 2 men with strong connections to Derbyshire, and to Buxton in particular.

William Boyd Dawkins Study

Both Sir William and Dr Jackson worked at the Museum in Manchester University for much of their lives so it is fortunate that Buxton Museum should be the recipient for so much of their archive materials including books, scientific manuscripts, correspondence and personalia.

This important archive offers many opportunities for biographical and scientific research and Buxton Museum and Art Gallery is committed to making the material available to researchers and interested members of the public alike.

This is an ongoing project with the majority of work being undertaken by volunteers.

Further articles on the work and lives of these 2 men will be added as the project at Buxton Museum and Art Gallery progresses.