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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Our position on fracking

Government requires us to make decisions on all planning applications objectively based on the individual merits of each application.

Government policy and guidance on development plan policies and on how planning applications should be dealt with is available in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG).

The Mineral Local Plan sets out the principles we will use to decide on planning applications for quarrying and mining, including gas and oil wells.

The current plan, which was last amended in 2002, does not contain any policies which specifically address fracking but does give support for oil and gas extraction generally, subject to various criteria.

We are currently working with Derby City Council to produce a new minerals plan for Derby and Derbyshire. This plan will apply to all minerals including shale gas.

Register to receive updates about the development of the Mineral Local Plan and details of community engagement being carried out as part of the process.


Or write to:

Development Plan Team
Derbyshire County Council
Shand House
Dale Road South