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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Flood risk responsibilities

Flood risk responsibilities of councils, organisations and residents in Derbyshire.

As the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) within Derbyshire, we co-ordinate the management of flood risk from local sources such as ordinary watercourses, surface water and groundwater.

To do this we work closely with the following organisations:

  • Environment Agency
  • district and borough councils
  • parish and town councils
  • water companies and sewerage undertakers
  • emergency services

We also work closely with residents and local businesses to manage local flood risk.

Environment Agency

The Environment Agency is responsible for managing flood risk from main rivers. It also has a duty to produce flood risk maps and issue flood warnings to the public.

District and borough councils

District and borough councils work with us in planning flood risk management, emergency planning and flood recovery at a district and borough level.

We often work with district and borough councils on investigating and resolving land drainage and ordinary watercourse flooding issues.

District councils are also the local planning authority and are responsible for authorising most planning applications in Derbyshire. Flood risk assessments are an integral part of planning policy.

Peak District National Park

Like the district and borough councils, the Peak District National Park Authority is responsible for planning policy within the boundaries of the Peak District National Park.

Parish and town councils

Parish and town councils work with us to involve local communities in flood risk management, emergency planning and flood recovery at a local level.

Water companies and sewerage undertakers

Water companies are responsible for managing flooding from sewers and water mains. We work with water companies to resolve flooding related to foul and surface water sewer interaction.

Should you experience flooding from sewers or water mains, you should contact your water company:

Riparian owners

Riparian owners are the owners of land adjoining a watercourse and are responsible for the following:

  • maintaining river beds and banks
  • allowing the flow of water to pass without obstruction
  • controlling invasive alien species such as Japanese Knotweed

They should also ensure that nothing on their land could be washed away by a high flow of water and cause an obstruction further downstream.

Find out more about the rights and responsibilities of riparian owners.

Personal responsibilities

Individuals have a personal responsibility to be aware of the level of flood risk where they live, to effectively plan to protect themselves and their property from flooding damage.