Contact your town or parish council
There are 204 parish and town councils in Derbyshire.
The chair of the town council is called the town mayor.
They can cover quite large populations and will often provide a wide variety of services that may include:
- leisure facilities
- supporting museums
- running tourist information centres
- town centre closed circuit TV
- swimming pools
- parks
- maintaining closed Church of England churchyards
- maintaining halls
- allotments
Parish councils are typically responsible for:
- maintaining their village hall
- providing allotments
- running Tidy Your Village competitions
- maintaining their parish churchyard
- commenting on planning applications in their parish
Parish councils will meet in their local village hall, school or community centre and normally they will have a clerk and other part-time staff.
If a parish has less than 150 electors it has a parish meeting instead of a parish council.
There is a Derbyshire Association of Local Councils and a National Association of Local Councils.