This can happen naturally in rural environments when heavy rain exceeds soil infiltration rates and flows as runoff overland.
Surface water flooding happens more in urban and paved areas where impermeable surfaces allow little or no infiltration of rainwater and local drainage systems cannot cope with the amount of rainfall.
We are responsible for assessing, managing and controlling the risk of surface water flooding in the county. We are also responsible for maintaining the highway drainage network to help limit the possibility of surface water flooding as far as we can.
Highway gullies and culverts should generally work without routine maintenance. Normally once a year we empty and cleanse gullies, removing any silt and other debris which may have built up.
We're also responsible for identifying risk from surface water and are currently creating a Local Flood Risk Strategy which will give our objectives and proposals for managing surface water flood risk in the future.
The Environment Agency maps flood risk from surface water in the UK.
If you would like to report any issues concerning flood risk from surface water email