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Identifying flood risk

Flood water can originate from different sources. It is important to identify which of these sources of flooding your property or workplace may be at risk from.

There are a number of sources of flooding you may be at risk from.

Search for flood risk in your area.

Fluvial flooding

It is the responsibility of the Environment Agency to manage the flood risk from Fluvial (main river) flooding.

Surface water flooding

Surface water flooding is caused by the build-up of storm water on surfaces, often when these surfaces are hard paved, or where there is too much rainfall for the soil to handle.

Surface water flooding is our responsibility.

Ordinary watercourses

Ordinary watercourses are smaller brooks and drainage channels which are not main rivers.

Managing the risk of flooding from ordinary watercourses is the responsibility of both us and the  riparian owner of that watercourse.

Groundwater flooding

Groundwater flooding is when the water table, the water level below ground, rises above the ground surface.

During heavy rainfall, the water level in the ground may rise to so much that it floods basements, or emergence of groundwater at the surface may cause damage to properties and infrastructure.

Managing groundwater flooding is our responsibility.

Reservoir flooding

Reservoir flooding follows the failure of structures holding back reservoir water (for example dams, retaining walls).

It is an unlikely source of danger to any property due to the strict regulations and maintenance schedules used by reservoir operators.