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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Single-use plastics policy

We will act to remove the use of single-use plastic (SUP) from our operations and services where practical and to reduce the use of single-use plastic where its use cannot be avoided. We will work towards finding positive solutions for reducing unnecessary waste across Derbyshire.

A single-use plastics action plan will be developed to support the implementation and monitoring of this policy. The action plan will be regularly reviewed and updated.

We will:

Lead by example

Embed the SUP policy into other key council strategies, policies and plans and support officers to:

  • understand the acceptable price differential when procuring alternatives to SUPs by providing guidance on the value of sustainability when procuring alternatives
  • recognise and avoid buying and using SUPs across council buildings and services
  • seek more sustainable alternatives to SUPs
  • ensure that SUPs which are procured have a recycled content of at least 30% and / or can themselves be recycled

Work with our suppliers and contractors

  • highlight the avoidance of SUPs in our sustainable procurement policy
  • request that suppliers have a SUP policy in place or can demonstrate that they are working to minimise the use of SUPs in their organisation and are finding sustainable alternatives (where appropriate)
  • embed requirements for the reduction of SUP in procurement and tender processes for the council

Support the avoidance of SUPs across Derbyshire

  • work with event organisers to reduce and eliminate where possible SUPs across all Derbyshire events held on council land and property and share guidance for this more widely
  • raise awareness of the importance of disposing of SUPs properly to reduce the negative impact on wildlife, the environment and health
  • continue to support local communities and businesses by sharing best practice, supporting and promoting positive initiatives, campaigns and actions for reducing waste

This policy will be reviewed annually.

Policy approved: 14 October 2021.