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How your child will get to secondary school

All the information you need about how your child will get to school.

Transport to the normal area school

We provide assistance with transport for secondary school pupils to the end of statutory school age who do not live within walking distance of their normal area school. This distance, as defined in statute, is 3 miles - and it's measured by the shortest available route.

The children's services department determine distance measurements using a computerised geographical information mapping system (GIS) using Ordinance Survey information. Distance measurements for existing users (prior to September 2014) may include routes and distance measurements we already hold on file.

The Raising of the Participation Age (RPA) legislation requiring young people to participate in education or training up to the end of the academic year in which they turn 17 from 2013 (and up to their 18th birthday from 2015) has not created any new entitlement to transport for post-16 learners.

Bus passes or refunds are issued where appropriate and special contract transport is arranged if public transport is not available.

There may be exceptions to the transport rules if we agree that the route to the normal area school is dangerous for a child, accompanied if necessary, to undertake on foot.

Spare places on a contract bus may be provided on a concessionary basis for children who are not normally entitled to free transport, however a charge will be made.

Transport to other schools

Parents who send their children to a school which is not their normal area school will not normally receive assistance with transport (children living outside the county attending Derbyshire schools should apply to their home council).

However, assistance with transport will be provided when a child attends a school, other than the normal area school, which is beyond the 3-mile limit but is closer to the child's home than the normal area school.

For more information please refer to our transport policy available on our school transport page.

Transport to faith schools

The provision of subsidised transport to faith schools ceased in September 2015, and protection was offered to pupils in key years - that is those entering years 6 and 11 in 2015 who were previously entitled to assistance.

We have not contracted any buses to provide transport to faith schools since July 2016.

If you are in receipt of benefit

Children aged 11 to 16 who are entitled to free school meals or whose families get the maximum level of working tax credit are entitled to free transport to any one of the 3 nearest suitable schools where the distance is between 2 and 6 miles.

Where the school is preferred on grounds of religion or belief, the distance is between 2 and 15 miles and the school is the nearest appropriate school. Evidence to support religious and philosophical belief will be required.

Any distance measurements over 3 miles linked to benefit entitlement are done using road routes.

If parents are no longer eligible, for example because they no longer receive relevant benefits, parents may have to meet their child's transport costs.

Transport for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities

Transport will be provided for pupils with special educational needs or disabilities who attend their nearest school, where the journey exceeds the statutory walking distance as outlined or in other cases in accordance with our transport policy.

Provision of transport will not generally be made if the preferred school is further away from the child's home than another school considered appropriate by us.

All learners with special educational needs transferring to sixth form education for whom transport assistance is provided by us will be required to make a contribution towards the cost.

For more information please see our transport policy on our school transport page.

If you have a query please contact our special educational needs section:

Special Educational Needs
County Hall


Travel and support for post-16 students

We have a post-16 transport policy statement which sets out the provision available for mainstream students aged between 16 and 19 and students with special needs and disabilities aged 16 to 25. Transport assistance provided by us may be subject to a charge.

Post-16 students in full-time education continue to be eligible for reduced fare travel passes, on buses and trains in Derbyshire including destinations just outside the county, up to their 19th birthday using our b_line discounted travel card. Schools, colleges and libraries hold information and can provide students with an application form.

Enquiries and reviews

Any enquiries about school or college transport should be made to us. If a parent's request for help with transport is refused and they feel that they may have special family circumstances which warrant help, then they can ask for the decision to be reviewed. The review will give the opportunity for the parent to state the particular reasons they feel their child should receive help with transport.

The transport policy for children and young people is available on the school transport page.

Sustainable modes of travel

As part of our Sustainable Modes of Transport Strategy we are actively supporting all schools in encouraging children and parents to make less use of the car for the journey to and from school and consider walking, cycling and use of public transport as viable alternatives.

School travel plans have now been adopted by all schools in Derbyshire and, through their implementation, we will continue to provide this support.