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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Transfer at 16 plus

Young people continuing with education after the age of 16 will attend either school sixth forms, colleges of further education or tertiary colleges. These are not all available in all parts of the county.

In consultation with parents, secondary schools will arrange for pupils to transfer to either the school sixth form or college appropriate for the area where they live.

If parents would like their child to attend a different school sixth form or college they should discuss this directly with the school sixth form or college they prefer.

There are no admission limits at school for pupils who are progressing from Year 11 to Year 12 at the same school. But there may be admission limits on external pupils entering the school for the first time as a sixth form pupil in certain schools.

Contact each school for their requirements to gain entry to their sixth form.

Any student who is refused admission to a sixth form has a right of appeal to an independent appeal panel.