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Getting to school

Find out about our travel policies and how your child will get to school.

Transport to the normal area school

We provide assistance with transport for full time infant, junior and primary school pupils who do not live within statutory walking distance of their normal area school. This distance is 2 miles for children under 8 and 3 miles for children over 8. This is measured by the shortest available route.

Bus passes or refunds are issued where appropriate and special contract transport is arranged if public transport is not available.

There may be exceptions to the transport rules if we agree that the route to the normal area school is hazardous for a child, accompanied if necessary, to undertake on foot.

Spare places on a contract bus may be provided on a concessionary basis for children who are not normally entitled to free transport. However a charge will be made and may be subject to an annual adjustment.

Transport to faith schools

The provision of subsidised transport to faith schools ended in September 2015. Protection was offered to pupils in key years, that is those who entered year 6 and year 11 in 2015 who were previously entitled by right to assistance.

We have not contracted any buses to provide transport to faith schools since July 2016.

Getting to other schools

Parents who send their children to a school which is not their normal area school will not normally receive assistance with transport (children living outside the county attending Derbyshire schools should apply to their home council).

However, assistance with transport will be provided when a child attends a school, other than the normal area school, which is beyond the walking distance for infant, junior and primary school pupils but is closer to the child's home than the normal area school.

Don't forget you can look at our glossary if there are any terms you are unsure of the meaning of.

Enquiries and reviews

Any enquiries about school or college transport should be made by contacting us.

If a parent's request for help with transport is refused and they feel that they may have special family circumstances which warrant help, then they can ask for the decision to be reviewed. The review will give the opportunity for the parent to state the particular reasons they feel their child should receive help with transport.

Requests for a review must be made on the appropriate form, which can be obtained by contacting us. You should provide as much information as possible and include copies of any documents you wish us to take into account in support of your request for a review.

Email or telephone: 01629 537479.

Sustainable modes of travel

As part of our Sustainable Modes of Travel Strategy we actively support all schools in encouraging children and parents to make less use of the car for the journey to and from school and to consider walking, cycling and use of public transport as viable alternatives.

School travel plans have now been adopted by all schools in Derbyshire and, through their implementation, we will continue to provide support.

Find out more about sustainable travel.