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15. Complaints process - early years' provider agreement

Early years' provider agreement effective from 1 January 2025. Complaints process.

15.1 Should the local authority receive a complaint from a parent raising concerns they have not received their early years entitlement in accordance with the legislation or as set out in this agreement and in the Early Education and Childcare Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities, the parents/carers will be advised to talk to their provider to see if the situation can be resolved. If the parents/carers are not satisfied with the outcome of the discussion with their early years' provider, they will be asked to put their complaint in writing by contacting the Families Information Service, email

The local authority will only contact the provider where permission has been given by the parent/carer. The local authority will report back to the parent/carer and the provider upon completion of a review.

15.2 The provider should ensure they have a complaints procedure in place that is published and accessible for parents/carers who are not satisfied their child has received their funding entitlement in the correct way, as set out in this agreement and in the Early Education and Childcare Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities.

15.3 If a parent or provider is not satisfied with the way in which their complaint has been dealt with by the local authority or believes the local authority has acted unreasonably, they can make a complaint to the Local Authority Ombudsman. Such complaints will only be considered when the local complaints procedures have been exhausted.