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Appendix 5 early years' panel meeting - early years' provider agreement

Monthly early years panel meetings take place to review providers published inspection reports following a less than good Ofsted inspection judgement. The panel is composed of senior early years' managers from across early years in Derbyshire County Council. The panel review key information to make an informed decision in line with the statutory guidance.

Sufficiency data (the number of funded places available in a given area) is examined, as well as information about children who are accessing a funded place at the setting and whether these attending children are qualified for any extra funding supplement, such as EYPP / DAF or in receipt of EYIF (inclusion funding) or EYSEN specialist teacher/outreach team support.

Providers have the opportunity to submit any supporting evidence / action plans / progression reports following Ofsted outcomes for consideration at the panel. The deadline to submit this evidence is 8 days prior to the panel meeting.

Once the panel meeting has been held, providers are informed by letter of the panel's decision and whether any funding restrictions will be put in place.