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Derbyshire Schools Forum 15 December 2020

Date and time

Meeting location Virtual meeting


Table to show the agenda for this meeting
No. Item View
1 Schools Forum Meeting Agenda 15 December 2020 - PDF - 806KB Download Schools Forum Meeting Agenda 15 December 2020
2 Apologies for absence
3 Schools Forum minutes 21 October 2020 - PDF - 54KB Download Schools Forum minutes 21 October 2020
4 De-delegation of funding 2021-22 - outstanding matters
5 DSG overview including national funding updates
6 SEN Strategic update - presentation to be shared at meeting
7 High Needs Block 2021-22
8 Central School Services Block budget proposals 2021-22
9 Dates of future meetings
10 Schools Forum digest of decisions 15 December 2020 - PDF - 79KB Download Schools Forum digest of decisions 15 December 2020
11 Schools Forum minutes 15 December 2020 - PDF - 163KB Download Schools Forum minutes 15 December 2020