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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Derbyshire Schools Forum

The Derbyshire Schools Forum has been in existence since January 2003 and consists of elected heads and governors from maintained schools, academies, pupil referral centres (support centres), private, voluntary and independent nursery providers, church diocesan authorities and trade unions.

The forum is a statutory body which the council consults on strategic school funding issues, in certain cases the forum is the decision-making body rather than the council. The forum's main functions include:

  • to give its views on the basis of the allocation of resources to schools
  • to approve the retention of central funds
  • to give its views on proposed changes to the schools' funding formulae
  • to approve the arrangements for re-pooling resources initially delegated to schools, for example insurance
  • to consider whether to support variations to individual schools' budgets as part of the national minimum funding guarantee arrangements
  • the review the arrangements made for the education of pupils with special education needs
  • to review the arrangements for early years education and
  • to approve revisions to the local authority's scheme for the financing of schools

Meetings of the forum are held 4 to 5 times a year, usually at County Hall. The press and public are welcome to attend the non-confidential part of the forum agenda but are not permitted to speak. The press and public will be excluded from any confidential agenda items.

Further information on the forum, its membership and meetings, past and future, is available in this section.

If you wish to contact us about the work of the Derbyshire schools forum please email