What this consultation is about
This is the first Your Council Your Voice survey.
The survey is open to all Derbyshire residents and asks for your views on a range of our services, how often you use them and how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with them.
The survey also asks you about how you access information about the services we provide and whether the channels we use could be improved to suit your needs.
Most importantly, we're asking you to tell us how you think we could save money or raise additional revenue. While our budget continues to face huge pressures, with greater demands on adult social care and services for vulnerable children, we're working harder than ever to provide maximum value for money and deliver the most efficient and effective public services possible. Our budget for the coming year is around £500 million, with a savings target of £33.4 million. Over the next 5 years the overall savings target is £63 million.
We'll use the results to help us prioritise our services and decide how we will spend our budget for the coming year.
You could win £100 of gift vouchers for taking part.