Derbyshire County Council (throughout this document referred to as 'we' or 'us') would like to make information about you and the services you provide available to members of the public.
If you agree to us using this information, we will be able to promote your services to parents, carers, families and other professionals.
The Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679
We will be a data controller under this act so we need your permissions to store and use the information that you give us because some of it may be personal data, for example, your name, email or home address and other contact details.
How we will handle your information
The information you supply to us, which may include personal data, will be stored securely and used by us.
We are not responsible for the accuracy of this additional information and we assume no responsibility for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of inaccuracies or errors in this additional information.
We have the ability to remove any information appearing on the site which is not appropriate for a general audience. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting the Families Information Service, email
Your agreement
If you consent, you are specifically giving us permission to:
- Store the information you have given us and use it for the following purposes:
- helping you promote your services by providing information to parents and prospective parents
- contributing to government initiatives to support and provide information to parents
- running our Families Information Service
- statistical reporting about the number and location of services available locally
- Make the information available to members of the public depending on the permissions you have given.
For further details on how we may use information we may hold about you, please see our privacy notices.
Understanding the internet and digital publishing option
Digital means via the internet, for example on websites or other online services.
If you give your consent, we will display your information on our search for childcare.
Personal data on the internet
Personal data available via the internet may be accessed in territories outside the European Union, which may operate different levels of data protection than apply within the European Union.
Getting access to your data
You can see how your information appears to be the public by going to the search for childcare. However, your services or group may not be relevant to all searches.
You have a right to ask for a copy of any personal data or sensitive personal data we store about you by contacting us in writing to:
The Families Information Service
Room 360
County Hall
If you're unhappy
If you're unhappy about anything relating to the processing or use of your personal data, please contact us in the first instance, email or telephone: 01629 531096. Or you can follow our complaints procedure.
If you're not satisfied with our response, you may also complain to the Information Commissioner's Office telephone: 0303 123 1113.