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Public duty to promote equality

Information to demonstrate how we're meeting the Equality Duty.

Under this general duty we must have due regard when making decisions about the need to:

  • eradicate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and carry out reasonable adjustments in employment and when delivering services
  • advance equality of opportunity for people who belong to a protected characteristic group (age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief including non-belief, and sexual orientation)
  • promote good relations between people who belong to a protected characteristic group and those who do not

We must also take additional steps to promote equality for disabled people, including by, if necessary, treating disabled people more favourably than non-disabled people.

Under the specific duties we must:

  • publish information which demonstrates how we are meeting our duties, including information on how we are progressing at meeting our published equality objectives
  • publish our equality objectives - these must be measurable and reviewed at least every 4 years


We publish our equality impact assessments to show how we have considered our equality duties when making decisions. This information shows how we have considered how our services affect people who share different protected characteristics.

The Derbyshire Observatory our local information system, publishes information about our residents and communities. This helps to demonstrate the outcomes experienced by residents with different protected characteristics.

Information from the 2011 Census, including summary, district and community based profiles is available on the Derbyshire Observatory. You can select and view a range of profiles.

Area and other profiles, covering a wide range of issues, can be found about your county.

We are trying to achieve a workforce for the future - one which reflects the increasingly diverse population of Derbyshire - where individuals feel valued and supported and where people are encouraged to continue to develop their skills and abilities - to do a good job for the people we serve.

We will publish a wide range of equalities information covering employment and council services on a regular basis.

If you have any enquiries about how we are meeting our public sector equality duties please email:

The public sector equality duty and schools

Schools in Derbyshire must also meet the general and specific public sector equality duties introduced by the Equality Act 2010. In order to assist head teachers and governing bodies to meet these duties, we have issued a short set of guidance notes which explain what the duties require and how they might go about meeting them.

Further information about these duties are available from the Equality and Human Rights Commission and the Department of education.

In the past we developed resources to help schools with these duties. These are attached to this page. We are currently reviewing these resources to ensure they are still accurate and effective.