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Coroner service feedback and complaints

We welcome feedback from all users of our service. Let us know what you found helpful or what might be improved.

Making a complaint

If you have a complaint about any aspect of the coroner service, we would recommend that you take the issue up directly with the person concerned as a first step as this may achieve a quicker resolution.

If you'd like to make a formal complaint you could choose one of the following routes:

  1. Put your complaint in writing to the coroner service manager and post or email it to either the Derby or Chesterfield coroner’s office.
    We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint and the best placed person will provide you with a response. This may be the service manager or the senior or area coroner.
  2. If your complaint relates to any member of the coroner's service who is not a coroner, you can make a complaint via the county council complaints procedure.
  3. If your complaint relates to a coroner's behaviour, language or conduct, you can make a complaint to the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office (JCIO).

Complaints about a coroner's decision

A complaint about a decision of the coroner cannot be considered by the JCIO and such a complaint would need to be progressed by legal challenge by judicial review. We would recommend that you take legal advice in this situation.