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Hundreds of people call on us every day for help, information and advice and our commitment to local people is reflected in our investment in our workforce. More than 30,000 people work for us, each with their own individual talents and abilities. We value this and look to provide the resources and development our employees need to develop their career and deliver the best possible service to the people of Derbyshire.
Derbyshire is a county of opportunity. It's a beautiful place to live, to work and to grow and we are justly proud of our services. We believe in investing in the future so all Derbyshire people have the chance to live full and productive lives.
The council is divided into 4 strategic directorates, responsible for the following areas:
Adult care
Responsible for: Preventative and wellbeing services; assessment of care needs; home care and day opportunities for older, disabled and vulnerable people; disability equipment and home adaptations; support for carers; hospital discharge services; short term specialist community beds; reablement; falls prevention; in-house residential care homes; community care centres; quality and safeguarding across all residential homes; specialist dementia care; benefits and debt advice; strategic planning and resourcing public services; stakeholder engagement and consultation; care market shaping; commissioning care services; contract management, and performance monitoring.
Public health
Responsible for: reducing health inequalities; promoting healthier lifestyles; improving the health of the population by sharing information and expertise; preparing for future health challenges; providing protection from public health hazards.
Children's services
Responsible for: support for vulnerable families and disabled children; teenage and careers services; children’s centres; sports and outdoor learning; school improvement services; school meals; school place planning and building; special educational needs; adult community education; services traded with schools; pre-school and childcare support; safeguarding and child protection; fostering and adoption, and the youth offending service.
Corporate services and transformation
Responsible for: property; finance; Digital Services; corporate HR; legal and democratic services; libraries and heritage; community safety; refugee resettlement; trading standards; 'Trusted Trader'; policy; research; performance; communications including digital and web development, and Call Derbyshire; innovation; strategic commissioning; procurement; strategic partnerships; member and management services; registrar and coroner services.
Responsible for: roads; footpaths; public and community transport; road safety; economic development and regeneration; broadband expansion; minerals; transport and strategic planning; emergency planning; household waste recycling centres; waste planning and management; building and landscape conservation; countryside sites; strategic economic partnerships; inward investment; tourism; rail policy; HS2; employment and skills; flooding, and environmental policy.