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Highway permit scheme

On 31 March 2015 a highways permit scheme was put in place to further help us minimise the disruption caused by works on our road network.

The scheme only applies to:

  • those streets that fall within our administrative boundary and experience large volumes of traffic
  • those streets that are defined as 'traffic sensitive' - these streets form Derbyshire’s strategic road network.

Derby City Council operates its own separate scheme.

Anyone carrying out works on these specified roads will need to apply for a permit before starting any works. Typically this is utility companies (telephone, gas, water), ourselves, and anyone that is working on a development for which planning permission has been granted and that affects the highway.

The core objective of the permit scheme is to:

  • reduce the disruption to road users by ensuring all works are managed appropriately and in a timely manner
  • enable more efficient use of the road network
  • help reduce carbon emissions and improve local air quality by reducing congestion due to standing traffic

Where we deem it inappropriate or detrimental to the efficient use of the road network, we can refuse a permit application and require the applicant to reconsider how they propose to go about their works. However, it's not always possible to prevent works being undertaken that adversely affect road users. In these circumstances, we will work with all parties to minimise the impact as far as practicable.

Full details of our permit scheme are attached to this page, along with a list of specified streets and their associated maps.

Applying for a highway permit

The permit scheme legally obliges anyone who wishes to perform or carry out an activity (as defined by the permit scheme) to obtain a permit before starting that activity. Permits are typically only applied for by and issued to utility companies and our own highways engineers or authorised contractors working for these bodies on their behalf.

These bodies use an electronic national permitting system called 'Street Manager' and we will normally only accept permit applications through this service. However, there will be circumstances when this is not possible. In this instance, an application can be made.

Apply for a permit application - TMA notice of works

Requests for early starts

We will consider requests for early starts following a permit application. The requests must be made by telephone. See the contact list for the street works team.


The delivery of parity and performance will be measured using a set of key performance indicators.