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Apply for temporary traffic signals

In order to carry out construction work and occupy the highway it may be necessary to introduce temporary traffic signals to ensure public safety and minimise congestion. 

There is now no longer be a need to submit a separate online temporary traffic signal application alongside your road space booking (street works permit). Please note the following.

Street Manager users

Those applying directly via Street Manager, or using an API, should ensure that all of the required details are included on their permit applications when proposing the use of temporary traffic signals.

In all cases a 24-hour emergency contact number should be provided for the TM company. This must be in use 24 hours per day, 7 days per week and not route through to a switchboard.

Where multi-way signals are being used, an accompanying CAD drawing should be attached to the application on Street Manager. If these details are not provided, it may lead to your application being refused or delayed. If CAD drawings cannot be attached to Street Manager, email, including the USRN, street name, town or village in the heading.

Non-Street Manager users

Private applicants who do not have access to Street Manager should complete and return a Permit Application / TMA Notice of Works to Please note the requirements for emergency contact numbers and CAD drawings.

The minimum notice periods for applications are:

  • major works with a planned duration of 11 or more working days: 3 months' notice required
  • standard works with a planned duration of between 4 and 10 working days: 10 days' notice required
  • minor works with a planned of 3 working days or less: 3 days' notice required

Terms and conditions

The following terms and conditions must be complied with by the applicant and/or any contractor responsible for any part of the works to which the temporary traffic signals relate. These are in addition to wider responsibilities identified within the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 and the Traffic Management Act 2004.

Site approval for all Portable Traffic Signals is required under the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002, Regulations 35 and General Direction 53.

Applicants must provide a plan accurately showing the position and configuration of the proposed traffic signals and associated traffic management (signs, cones, barriers), upon request.

If the application is refused, or alterations to the application are deemed necessary, the highway authority will detail the reasons for this.

Following submission of an application, any correspondence between the applicant and the highway authority must make reference to the permit reference number provided to the applicant upon receipt of the application.

Should an applicant place and operate portable traffic signals on the highway without the written approval of the authority (as per Regulation 53) then an offence is committed under the Highways Act 1980 and the authority may take legal action against offenders.

Applicants should, prior to submitting an application, make themselves familiar with the proposed location of the portable traffic signals and the local features that may have an impact on their proposals. This will include, road junctions, controlled and uncontrolled pedestrian crossings, schools, commercial and industrial accesses. Account must be taken of these features in the design and timings of the proposed portable light signals. Applicants should also check the map to establish whether there are any other works that may clash with the proposed dates.

Portable traffic signals must be operated in accordance with the DfT's booklet 'An Introduction to the use of Vehicle Actuated Portable Traffic Signals' – ISBN 0-11-550781-7.

Where there is a requirement to switch off any permanent traffic signals or controlled pedestrian crossings, only authorised authority representatives may switch these off/on.

This service is managed by Swarco UK & Ireland Ltd and there is a charge of £523.13 per switch off/on which includes the following:

  • switch off
  • switch on
  • half an hour per visit

Anything over and above 1 hour will be charged at the hourly rate from the Derbyshire schedule of rates:

  • normal hours £48.74
  • out-of-hours weekday £63.58
  • weekend £66.47
  • public holidays £68.68

Contact Swarco directly to make arrangements, email or telephone: 0345 603 1433.

We will switch the permanent traffic signals off and on and cover the signal heads and push buttons (where pedestrian facilities are involved). However, it will be the responsibility of the applicant to provide all the additional associated signing and barriers that are required at the applicants cost.

These must be on site at the time of the switch off and resources made available by the applicant to place them on the highway in conjunction with the switch off.

Conversely at the time of the switch on of the permanent traffic signals by our authorised representatives, resources must be made available by the applicant to remove the additional associated signing and barriers on the highway in conjunction with the switch on.

Permanent traffic signal heads must not be covered by the applicant in order to avoid having the signals officially switched off. Any such action is an offence under the Highways Act 1980 and the authority may take legal action against offenders.

We must be notified by the applicant of any changes to those listed on the application.

Where the works are in the vicinity of a level crossing or railway bridge, the rail authority must also be consulted prior to any work commencing. Where the works are in the vicinity of a tram or light rapid transport system, the operator of these must be contacted prior to any work commencing.

The applicant may ask us to design the layout and timing of portable traffic signals. We reserve the right to decline to do this. If we enter into an agreement to undertake this work then it may charge the applicant for this work.