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Flooding (drainage and gullies)

A major part of the road network is the drainage system, designed to take water away from the road surface. Problems can occur even when it is clean and well maintained. Find out how to report flooding.

Blocked road drain Report flooding or drainage problems on roads

Flooded or waterlogged roads happen when the amount of water on the road is more than the road drainage can cope with.

Exceptional rainfall, a road being in a low lying area or changes in 'run off' water from nearby land are some of the reasons why a road might flood even though the drainage system is in good working order.

Drainage systems should work without any routine maintenance, although we do normally empty gullies once a year to remove silt.

Drainage gullies and drains can become blocked very quickly when materials like mud or stones are carried onto the road during heavy rain or flooding. This can also happen when there is a heavy fall of leaves.

Let us know about flooding on, or from public roads, or report blocked gullies or gratings.

Land drainage

We're responsible for maintaining and repairing drainage and culverts on land we own.

We may take action against landowners where problems are caused on the road because of damaged drainage on their land.

If you notice flooding or can see that flooding is about to happen on a road please Call Derbyshire, telephone: 01629 533190.

The district or borough council may also serve notice on riparian landowners to remove blockages to watercourses on their land. A riparian owner is someone who owns land which a watercourse or river passes through. This is defined in the Land Drainage Act 1991.

We wouldn't usually get involved in cases where flooding is caused on private property due to run-off from another private property. This is a civil matter between the 2 landowners.

Report other types of flooding

Flooding from public sewers

The water company own and manage the network of public foul and surface water sewers.

To report an overflowing public sewer in Derbyshire, you should contact Severn Trent Water telephone: 0800 7834444 or, if you live in the north east of the county, Yorkshire Water telephone: 0845 1242424.

Flooding from private sewers or drains

If your private drains or sewers are overflowing, you will need a drainage contractor to deal with any blockage.

If you are uncertain if any blockage is in the public or private sewers, the water company should be able to determine this once they are on-site, then recharge you the cost of any work if it is a private sewer.

Flooding from a burst water main

Your local water company is responsible for the supply of water mains up to and including the water stopcock.

If a water main has burst, contact your local water supply company.

Flooding from a water service pipe or internal pipe work

This is the responsibility of the homeowner or landlord and would need a plumber.

Flooding from a main river

The main rivers are the responsibility of the Environment Agency telephone: 0845 933 3111.

Sign up for flood warnings.

Flooding from watercourses, other than main rivers

Watercourses, other than main rivers, are the responsibility of riparian owners.

You are a riparian owner if your property or land is on, or very near, a watercourse.

Riparian owners have a duty to keep the watercourse clear of any obstruction to flow and we serve legal notices on riparian owners to deal with obstructions.

Certain 'strategic' watercourses, that are known to pose a high risk of property flooding if they become blocked, are checked and maintained by our contractor on a regular basis.