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In-depth advice about healthy eating

We know that there’s lots more to healthy eating and weight loss than just portion control.

Your health, your choices

Make informed choices about your health and wellbeing.

If you want to find out more detailed information about balanced diets, getting your 5 a day or meal planning then there is lots of helpful information and advice.

Sugar guidance

The latest guidance says that no more than 5% of your daily calories should be from added or 'free' sugars. Find out more in the document attached to this page.

Change for Life have created a new iPhone app that lets you scan food and drink packaging to find out exactly how much sugar it contains.

Live Life Better Derbyshire

You can get tailored weight management advice, help and support at Live Life Better Derbyshire.

As well as weight management you can find out about stopping smoking and healthy lifestyles.

British Nutrition Foundation

The British Nutrition Foundation offers a wealth of advice on balanced diets, healthy eating and recipe ideas.

5 a day

We've all heard about making sure we get our 5 a day. But what does it really mean? Find out more about 5 a day on the Live Well pages.

You can create a 5 a day meal planner and shopping list online. It makes healthy eating simple, with ideas for meals, tasty recipes, cheaper options and top tips.

A simple guide to getting your 5 a day is attached to this page.

Balanced diets

When it comes to a healthy diet, balance is the key to getting it right.

This means eating a wide range of foods in the right proportions, and consuming the right amount of food and drink to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.

But what is a balanced diet? Do you actually know? Making sure your diet is balanced can seem like a real chore. However, there is help out there.

The NHS live well web pages give simple advice and information about achieving a balanced diet.

Our balanced diet information is attached to this page.

Eat well guide

A new Public Health England eat well guide highlights the different types of food and drink that make up our diet and shows the proportions we should eat them in to have a well-balanced and healthy diet.

Calculate your BMI

If you want to get really technical you can calculate your body mass index and get dieting advice at the NHS healthy weight calculator.

Low calorie snacks

Even if you're watching what you eat, you still deserve a little treat.

Making small changes to what you eat can make a big difference. Take a look at our suggested food swaps which are attached to this page. You can cut down on calories, salt and sugar but still enjoy tasty snacks.