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Importance of preceonception health

Aiming for good lifelong health for parents and babies starts long before birth. So if you are planning to start a family, or are already pregnant, then there are lots of things you can do to give your baby the best possible start in life.

This means that planning for better lifelong outcomes for parents and babies starts long before birth.

Here are just a few facts:

  • 45% of pregnancies and a third of births are unplanned or associated with feelings of ambivalence.
  • a planned pregnancy tends to be healthier compared to an unplanned one because it allows time to prepare, make lifestyle changes, and improve pre-pregnancy health. This preparation can reduce the risk of negative health outcomes for both the mother and the child
  • addressing health factors before conception such as nutrition, medical conditions and lifestyle habits, can lead to improved overall outcomes for parents and their children
  • additionally, unplanned pregnancies can lead to delays in accessing antenatal care which is crucial for monitoring the health of both the mother and the developing baby