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Best start possible

Ensuring good health and wellbeing, even before a baby is conceived, is vital for giving every child the best start in life.

Pregnant, or thinking about getting pregnant?

Aiming for good lifelong health for parents and babies starts long before birth.

So if you are planning to start a family, or are already pregnant, then there are lots of things you can do to give your baby the best possible start in life.

Find out more information on pregnancy health.

Working with the public

If you work with the public, then you have an important role to play.

You might have heard of the 'Making Every Contact Count' (MECC) approach to health and wellbeing.

This simply means taking the chance, during any conversation you have, to talk about how people can make positive improvements to their health or wellbeing.

By including preconception health messages in regular appointments, people can start to understand the importance of pregnancy preparation.

Regular appointments can mean anything from dental check-ups and pharmacy consultations to housing and financial advice and social care appointments.

Consistent and repeated messages help to reinforce the importance of preconception health, making it a normal part of health conversations.