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NHS health checks

There are a variety of different health checks that you might be invited to attend depending on your age and gender.

NHS Health Check. Helping you prevent diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke and dementia

NHS health checks for adults

If you're aged between 40 and 74 then you may be entitled to a free NHS health check.

The health check aims to reduce your chance of developing 5 different serious diseases:

  • type 2 diabetes
  • heart disease
  • kidney disease
  • stroke
  • dementia

It helps you understand how you can lower your risk of developing one of these conditions.

You'll be asked some questions about your general health and lifestyle and have a few straightforward health tests.

What happens at the check

The checks will be carried out by qualified staff, and may take place in your GP surgery or a community venue

  • the check will take between 30 and 45 minutes
  • you'll be asked some simple questions, for example, about your family history and any lifestyle choices which may put your health at risk
  • your height, weight and body mass index will be recorded
  • your age, sex and ethnicity will be noted
  • your blood pressure will be taken
  • a finger prick blood test will be carried out to check your cholesterol level, or you may be asked to go for a blood test before booking your NHS health check appointment

What happens after the check

The health professional who carries out your health check will give you your results there and then unless your blood test has to be sent away for analysis.

They'll talk to you about how to lower your risk and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

They'll also discuss any changes you may want to make to improve your health and you may be asked to do further tests.

You'll have the chance to ask questions too.

If you need it you'll also be offered help to lower your blood pressure or cholesterol.

Entitlement to an NHS health check

You're entitled to an NHS health check every 5 years if you're aged between 40 and 74 and not already being treated for certain long term conditions.

You'll not need a check if you have had an NHS Health Check in the past 5 years, and if you've already been diagnosed with:

  • chronic kidney disease
  • coronary heart disease
  • diabetes
  • heart attack
  • heart condition (atrial fibrillation)
  • high blood pressure
  • high cholesterol
  • stroke or mini stroke

Find out more

Health checks are available in GP surgeries and community venues across Derbyshire. You will be invited to attend an NHS health check, but contact your GP if you have any questions.

You can find out more about the NHS health checks or visit NHS Choices.