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Your health

We ensure that a wide range of services are on offer across Derbyshire to help improve your health.

Whether you want help to stop smoking, find out ways to keep active or need support with mental health issues you can find out more information here.

Weight management and active lifestyles

The Live Life Better Derbyshire healthy lifestyles programme offers free weight management support.

Our Active Lifestyles team are on hand to help you manage your weight and keep active. They're involved in several schemes around the county that aim to help maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Smoking support

The Live Life Better Derbyshire healthy lifestyles programme offers free stop smoking support.

Alcohol and drugs support

If you'd like help to tackle a problem with alcohol or drug misuse, we provide information about where to go for alcohol and drug support.


Search for all health services in your area, from GPs and dentists to support and recovery groups on the NHS website.

NHS health checks

If you're aged between 40 and 74 then you are entitled to a free NHS heath check every 5 years. These checks aim to reduce your chance of developing serious conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.

NHS screening programmes

There are a number of different screening programmes. These aim for prevention or early detection of cancer and other diseases in adults and antenatal and new-born screening programmes for children.

Sexual health

Our sexual health services for Derbyshire combine contraception, sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment, HIV prevention and more.

Mental health and wellbeing

Your mental health is every bit as important as your physical health. We provide help and advice if you are concerned about your own, or a friend or family member's mental wellbeing.

Children and young people's health

Making sure that children and young people have the best start in life is vital to ensure that they can reach their full potential.

Older people's health

You can enjoy a healthy lifestyle no matter how old you are. There's lots of information about keeping you fit, safe and secure during later life.

Workplace health

We're working closely with local employers to help them improve the health and wellbeing of their employees in our Healthy Workplace scheme.