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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Planning for health

The places that we live, and how they are planned, can play a role in how healthy we are.

Planning policy can help shape communities and the way that they live, interact and work.

For example approving housing layouts that encourage people to walk and cycle, ensuring there are services and open spaces available, access to jobs and education and ensuring there is sustainable transport.

Planning can also help reduce the effect of other factors, such as pollution, noise and climate change.

These factors, often in combination, can affect health inequalities, and mental and physical health and wellbeing.

More specifically, this includes levels of obesity, diabetes, coronary heart disease, respiratory disease, mental health, and road traffic injuries and fatalities, which all lead to costly long term health conditions.

The annual state of health and social care in Derbyshirereport provides detailed evidence of the current state of health and wellbeing of Derbyshire residents. And our evidence summary, 'Planning for health', outlines the evidence supporting a planning and health strategy. This report is attached to this page.

Visit the Derbyshire Observatory to find out more about how we're working to improve health by working closely with planning colleagues.