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Ageing well

Find out how to enjoy a healthy lifestyle no matter what age you are. There's lots of information about keeping you fit, safe and secure during later life.

A brief overview of what we're doing to improve the health and wellbeing of older residents in Derbyshire.

Keeping well in all weathers

Find out more about the work we're doing to keep you safe during severe weather by visiting our weather planning page.

Keep up to date with vaccinations

We want to make sure you are protected throughout your life. So here's a guide to help you keep up to date with your free vaccinations.

Over 50:

  • flu and COVID-19 vaccinations

Over 65:

  • flu and COVID-19 vaccinations
  • pneumococcal vaccine (PPV)

Over 70:

  • flu and COVID-19 vaccinations
  • pneumococcal vaccine (PPV)
  • shingles vaccine

To get any of these, talk to your GP or pharmacist.

Vaccines help your body to fight infections. They help to protect you, without you having to experience a possibly harmful illness. It's important to take up the offer of a vaccine when you receive an invitation.

If you have any questions about any of the vaccines, talk to a pharmacist or your GP.

Register as a carer

A carer is anyone, including children and adults who look after a family member, partner or friend who would not be able to manage without their support.

If you support someone living with any of the following, and they wouldn't be able to manage on their own without your help, please register with your local GP surgery as a carer:

  • frailty
  • disability
  • mental ill-health
  • addiction
  • a serious health condition

Once you have registered with your local surgery, they can provide you with the support you need to manage your caring responsibilities. They can also tell you about other services that will help unpaid carers in Derbyshire and Derby.

Preventing trips and falls

Find out how to prevent accidental trips, slips and falls on our active lifestyle page. There's information about exercise classes to improve your balance as well as information about the Derbyshire Falls Alert Service.

NHS screening programmes

The NHS offers 5 main screening programmes for breast cancer, cervical cancer, bowel cancer, abdominal aortic aneurysm and diabetic eye screening.

You might be invited to one or more of these screenings. Find out more about what they are and why they're so important on the NHS screening page.

NHS health checks

If you're aged between 40 and 74 then you may be entitled to a free NHS Health check. The health check aims to reduce your chance of developing serious diseases such as diabetes or heart disease. You will be invited to attend by your GP surgery. Find out more about health checks.


Seeing a friendly face or just having someone to talk to can make a big difference to people. That's why we've set up a befriending service in Derbyshire. Find out more about tacking loneliness.

Keeping active

Getting older doesn't mean you have to stop being active. There are lots of groups and services around Derbyshire that can help you keep fit, active and healthy. Find out more about active lifestyles.

Weight management

Whether you want to make sure you're getting a balanced diet, need help to lose a little weight or are worried about malnutrition and eating well. Find out more about weight management.

Dementia support

Mental health and wellbeing is important to making sure you have the best possible quality of life. Find out more about the dementia support service.

Staying safe and confident

Helping you to stay safe, well and happy in your own home is important to us. That’s why there are lots of services on hand to keep you confident in your own home.

You can ask Derbyshire Fire and Rescue to come to your home and check your smoke alarms, identify any hazards, and help you make an escape plan.

They can also assess your risk of falls and put you in touch with other local organisations to help ensure your safety and wellbeing.

Our Trusted Trader scheme allows you to find reputable tradespeople for anything from accountancy to plumbing.