If you're experiencing domestic abuse or know someone who is, telephone: 08000 198 668 and you'll get help from someone close by.
If it's an emergency, telephone: 999.
You can also email the Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Helpline giving a number you can be contacted safely at derbyshiredahelpline@theelmfoundation.org.uk
If you're deaf or hearing impaired, or unable to phone, text the Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Helpline text: 07534 617252. Emergency SMS - text: 999.
For the National Domestic Violence 24-hour help line telephone: 0808 2000 247.
Silent Solution
If you telephone: 999 from a mobile but it is not safe for you to speak, Silent Solution is a system the police use to assess and respond to your call. Telephone: 999 and if it's not safe to respond to the BT operator when they ask what service you want, stay connected. If the operator hears any suspicious noise you'll be transferred to the police.
If nothing is heard you may be asked to press 55 - this will connect you to a police call handler. Listen carefully to their questions and instructions so that they can assess your situation and arrange for assistance. This system means that the police can respond to genuine emergencies when people are in danger and accidental or hoax 999 calls do not distract them.
Accidental 999 calls from a landline are less likely, so if you telephone: 999 from a landline but are unable to speak you will be connected without being asked to enter 55.
Services and helplines
We've commissioned Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Support Services to provide a range of services in the county.
The Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Helpline has details of the provider in your area. They'll give initial advice and guidance and make referrals to these services for you. Telephone: 08000 198 668.
The support provided locally includes:
- emergency refuge accommodation
- outreach support in the community, including counselling, and self-esteem and confidence building sessions
- dedicated support for children and young people affected by domestic abuse, both those in refuge and in the community
There are a range of courses and programmes available to women, men, children and young people that can support to help them overcome the experiences of domestic abuse or violence, understand the effects on themselves and their children, and help build self-esteem and confidence.
Visit the Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Helpline for more information.