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Adopting a child from overseas

If you're interested in adopting a child from overseas also known as intercountry adoption, as this is a complex process, get in touch with us at the earliest opportunity for support and advice about a possible application the assessment process and the legal implications for you and a child.

Adopting a child from overseas (intercountry adoption) is only permitted if:

  • the prospective adoptive parents have been assessed as eligible and suitable to adopt from overseas by an adoption agency in the UK
  • the child cannot be safely cared for in their own country
  • intercountry adoption would be in the best interests of the child and would not breach their human rights

Other areas of consideration:

  • any issues that might arise from relocating a child to the UK
  • if you need to visit the child's country for a period of time
  • if your application will need to be considered by the overseas adoption authority and the child's country
  • any adoption guidance and legislation in the child's country
  • the costs involved in adopting from overseas - costs vary depending on the country involved but you need to pay for:
    • your assessment and approval as an adoptive parent
    • information and training
    • Department for Education certification and fees
    • costs such as training translation and administrative expenses
    • costs in the child's country of origin

Intercountry Adoption Centre (Coram IAC)

For more detailed information please visit The Centre for Adoption about adopting overseas, including which countries you are not allowed to adopt from, legal requirements and more.


If you think intercountry adoption may be right for you, please complete our adoption enquiry form.

Adoption enquiry form

Or contact us on telephone: 01629 533190 for further information.