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Health, safety, medication and catering policies for care providers

General health and safety issues in both residential and home care services, as well as medication and safe catering policies.

Medication policies

There are many medication policies about different client groups or service types.

We expect that any provider acting on our behalf will make sure they include the principles of safe medication management in their policy and practice. The Care Quality Commission and the National Institute for Clinical Excellence set out the required standards and this information is publicly available.

The safe use of medicines is the responsibility of all professionals, healthcare organisations and customers, and should be discussed with them and significant others.

Safety covers all aspects of medicine use, including unwanted effects, interactions, safe processes and systems, and effective communication between professionals.

All care services are expected to make sure that medicines are received, handled, stored, administered, disposed of, and recorded in accordance with statutory and regulatory requirements and best practice recommendations. Risk assessments help to make sure that incidents of avoidable harm from medicines are reduced.

Managers must be able to provide evidence of ongoing auditing and monitoring of all the systems in place regarding the safe management of medication.

Falls prevention in care homes

Care homes are responsible for identifying service users at risk of falls, putting in place appropriate steps to reduce the risk of falls, and reducing the severity of harm where it occurs. A culture that 'falls are not an inevitable sign of ageing' is important while also acknowledging that not all falls can be prevented.

Our falls prevention practice guidance can be used and adapted by care homes looking to develop policy and practice.

Infection prevention and control

Effective infection prevention and control is an essential part of providing safe care.